Convert dates between the most used calendars in the world.
Build with the latest Apple technologies using SwiftUI. Supports Widgets, VoiceOver, Dynamic text, Dark Mode, AppleScript through Shortcuts...
Available in 35 languages.
Made for iPhone, iPad, AppleWatch and MacOS.
Calndars is a straight forward app that converts dates from one calendar to another. Select a calendar to set a date, and see what the corresponding date is in another calendar. Copy the date if you want to use it in another app.
Make a Shortcut to get the date of a calendar, and add it to share sheets, menubar (macOS), and more.
Automate getting calendars through Shortcuts and AppleScript (on macOS)...
The currently available calendars are: Buddhist, Chinese, Coptic, Ethiopic (Amete Alem), Ethiopic (Amete Mihret), Gregorian, Hebrew, Indian, Islamic Civil, Islamic Tabular, Islamic Umm Al Qura, Japanese, Persian and Taiwanese.
The application
Set a calendar as favorite (star) means it wil move to the top list. You can reorder calendars the way you see fit. The favorite calendars are converted, the the other calendars not.
Up to 3 Favorite calendars can be shown in a Widget by selecting the 4 squares. Reorder the calendars, to change the order they will be displayed in the Widget.
Copy the date of a calendar by tapping on the copy-icon, or share all calendar with the action-button.
There is a small, medium and large Widgets. The bigger Widgets show more info.
The shortcuts app from Apple, is available on all Apple platforms. Calndrs has Shortcuts support, which means you can make a Shortcut for any date (as input) for a calendar. In the image above the shortcut gets input from somewhere else (AppleScript, another shortcuts...) and converts it to the Hebrew Calendar, after which it will copy it to the clipboard.
AppleScript (on macOS)
Because the Shortcuts App is scriptable, you can use AppleScript to use Calndars to convert dates. See the example below.
The script creates a date (25 Dec 2004) and tells the Shortcuts app to convert it to the Hebrew Calendar. The Hebrew calendar is set in the shoirtcut. The name of the shortcut is "Get date from Hebrew Calendar". The shortcut copies the text to the clipboard.
The script than opens the Notes app, creates a Note and set the body of the note to the contents of the clipboard.
tell application "Shortcuts Events"
-- set theDate to current date
set theDate to date "Saturday, 25 December 2004 at 00:00:00"
run shortcut "Get date from Hebrew Calendar" with input theDate
end tell
tell application "Notes"
activate --make sure Notes is running
set theNote to make new note
tell default account to tell folder "Notes"
set body of theNote to the clipboard
end tell
end tell
Roadmap - what to expect in future versions?